
  • 名字跟命运没有关系,英语作文

      本质上应该没有关系?名字不过是个符号而已、 但是因为人具有社会性!名字不可避免地会渗透到人类的绝大多数社会活动当中去!最简单的例子!就是按照姓名进行排序,这个顺序在特定的场合就会对姓名的所有人产生了影响, 名字或多或少地也会让别人把它和姓名的拥有人进行联系 进而对人的8287命运产生了影响、 当然了、人的主观能动性才是决定性的?!

  • 怎样自己把握命运?

      命运给人的无非就是两类东西:机遇和挫折!机遇总是青睐有准备的人的 平时努力做好准备!当机遇到来的时候把握住它,不要让它白白地从身边溜走!一个小小的机遇有时可能会改变人的一生。挫折总是害怕勇敢的人的。在遇到挫折的时候,不害怕。不退缩。勇敢地同它做斗争!去战胜它?即使一次又一次的被打败!也不要放弃,要屡败屡战?九十九次的失败会告诉人九十九做法不对、最终总会找到成功的方法的 当然。诱惑也是命运给人设置的一个障碍。它其实是挫折的一种隐蔽形式,在诱惑面前!人应该自律!要眼光长远?不要只图眼前的安逸,如果眼前的5741安逸会影响长远目标的实现!那就要果断地将它舍弃,这样的话?应该就会比较容易地把握住自己的命运了吧!!

  • 如何把握自己的命运??

      我有过一次十分有趣,同时也是影响我一8816生的经历,一次,拜会一位事业上颇有成就的朋友,闲聊中谈起了命运,我问:这个世界上到底有没有命运 他说:当然有啊、我再问:命运究竟是怎么回事、既然命中注定?那奋1228斗又有什么用!他没有直接回答我的问题?但笑着抓起我的左手?说不妨先看看我的手相。帮我算算命、给我讲了一通生命线、爱情线,事业线等诸如此类似的话之后,突然 他对我说:把手伸好、照我的样子做一个动作?他的动作就是:举起左手、慢慢地且越来越紧地握起拳头,末了?他问:握紧了没有?我有些迷惑、答道:握紧啦?他又问:那些命运线在哪里、我机械地回答:在我的手里呀。他再追问:请问、命运在哪里,我如当头棒喝 恍然大悟:命运在自己的手里!他很平静地继续道:不管别人怎么跟你说、不管“算命先生们”如何给人你算!记住、命运在9485自己的手里,而不是在别人的嘴里 这就是命运 当然、你9909再看看你自己的拳头?你不会发现你的生命线有一部分留在外面、没有被握住,它又能给我们什么启示。命运绝大部分掌握在自己手里 但还有一部分掌握在“上天”手里,古往今来,凡成大业者?“奋斗”的意义就在于用其一生的努力。去换取在“上天”手里的那一部分“命运”,我静静地听着?半晌,只觉得心扉如泉水流过……命运在自6726己手里!而不是在别人的嘴里!人们常有一种“托付思想”。即将自己的命运托付给别人掌控 这种“托付”有时是主动的——因为掌控不易。而干脆放弃掌控?懒得掌控?有时是被动的——因掌控不了?无奈之下!不得不放弃掌控权?有时却是不知不觉的!现实中常见的托付思想有:“宿命”思想——将自己“托付”给“上天”!或者“上天”的代信人——算命先生,“救济”思想——将自己“托付”给社会 “扶贫”时人们常发现 “物质扶贫”常常不能使之从根本9888上脱贫!因为许多人贫困的根源之上便是有深深依赖别人救济扶助的“托付思想”!所以,比“物质扶贫”更为有价值的是精神扶贫:教会今天物质上暂时的贫困者们学会自立。自强?给人以鱼?一餐有鱼 授人以渔。一生有鱼?“等靠要”思想——将自己“托付”给政府、比如 许多人下岗后一切依靠政府,等待政府的“安排”。向政府要工作 要饭吃?熟不知许许多多过去现在都不曾有,将来也不会有“托付”习惯的人!早已因为“下岗”而获得更大的发展空间 “铁饭碗”思想——将自己“托付”给工作单位,他们认为所谓“铁饭碗”就是指在某一个地方能吃上一辈了饭的“碗”,在我国从计划经济到市场经济的转轨过程中 直到现在还有不少人因为习惯?仍然在秉持这种思想、这种思想。如果在一个地方很普遍,它将会造成“地方性持续贫困”的必然后果?“老板会有办法的”——将自己“托付”给上司?不要把应该由自己不解决的问题托付给上司帮你解决、其实。上司聘用你的本意 恰恰是期望你来帮他解决问题 而不是他来帮你 解决问题!自己不去7565想办法。托付给上司和同事去想!万一他因为“太忙”而照顾不到你?失败的苦果是不是仍0198得由你咽下?“老公,我这一辈子全靠你了”——1810将自己“托付”给家庭?如果你成为了丈夫的负担、那么婚姻就成为家庭的“负担”而非“资产”,万一你跟不上丈夫的步伐7116或者丈夫不堪重负,离婚的那一天你定有“世界末日”来临的感觉、当然?反之亦然,“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”——将自己“托付”给别人!这句话的正面理解是:一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮!但反过来,负面理解就成了“托付思想”,其实。在家得靠自己!出门还得靠边父母。父母朋友仅仅是对你侧面提供点帮助而已。不要让自己成为“父母朋友”的负担与累赘,所谓“天助自助者”?别人能帮得上自己的先决条件是?自己千万别是“糊不上墙壁的烂稀泥”,得是块“料”,值得别人帮自己?正如上所述、被托付的东西,包括某些工作任务。某件事情!某一个需要解决的问题。某个人(如自己的孩子)。自己的命运前程等等,所托付的对象?可能是某位朋友!上司!下属?同事,父母,公司 政府,社会,上帝及某个其4075他组织等等!以托付思想做事随处可见 其后果是养成都市“等靠要”的坏习惯!以及因为这个坏习惯给自己带来的掌控权握在“别人”手里或嘴里的命运?掌控自己的命运?请从彻底解除“托付思想”开始,。

  • 求一篇关于手机的英语作文、谢谢!

      As the development of modern technology, Smartphone has become quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions. People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures at any place, anytime. It seems that smart phones have already become an indispensable part in people's daily lives. However, some people are indulging in smart phones, which already have side-effect on their normal life.   Some people, especially teenagers, are easily fall for Smartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under great pressure, while cell phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves. By playing mini-games, vocal chatting with friends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their problems temporary. Second, there are always something new on the phone. It is can be interesting, mysterious and various. So people are eager to turn on their phones, want to know what is happening around them. When people spend too much time on the phones, they don't have enough chance to communicate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lack of good self-control, they are fragile to the smart phone addiction, while they supposed to focus on their study and work.   I think people should take smart phone addiction seriously. Quitting addiction needs time and patience. People should turn off their phones, go outside and communicate with others face to face. Do more exercise and form optimistic attitude towards life。   随着当代科技的迅速发展!智能手机以其卓越的功能风靡全球,人们可以在任何时间,任何地点用它来上网?更新个人微博?上传自己的最新照片,看起来智能手机已经成为人们生活中不可缺的一部分了?然而,有些人过渡沉迷于智能手机!以至于影响了正常生活   一些人。特别是青少年。极容易被智能手机吸引?原因有这些:首先,当今社会人们压力很大,智能手机提供了一个给人们放松的平台!通过玩小游戏?与朋友语音聊天,看电影听音乐 人们很容易暂时忘记他们的烦恼?其二。手机上总1189有新鲜事,有趣的,神秘的!种类繁多的信息吸引着大家打开手机、去了解周围到底发生了什么!当人们花了太多的时间在手机上时,就没有足够的机会去与朋友父母聊天沟通?他们的注意力已被虚拟世界所吸引?缺乏好的自控能力。他们在手机成瘾面前弱不禁风,他们理应集中精力在学习和工作上的、   我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症?戒掉它需要时间和耐心 人们应该关掉手机?走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流,多做运动?培养乐观积极2006的心态 、

  • 英语作文70词解决朋友矛盾

      there are two possible situations. the first is when the two are a couple. no matter how well you know each of them, i don't recommend you to meddle in their love affair. although there is a proverb in China which goes like "persuade couple to reconcile rather than separate" , i never think it a good idea to even persuade a couple into reconcilation. my suggestion would always be don't ever butt in. coz nobody but the couple knows what's exactly going on between them.   the second situation is where the two are just friends or buddies. now you can go ahead and meddle. better acquaintance than enemy. the thing you can do is to sit each of them down respectively and try to get to know the reason they fall out. it's very likely that there is a misunderstanding. after you get to know the whole situation thoroughly, you talk to each of them again and straighten things up. so far you are half done. the last thing you might as well do is to bring them together and see they shake hands , forgive and forget.,命运由自己把握的英语作文

  • 英语作文怎样在火灾中保护自己

      “how to protect ourselves in a fire disaster”. When a fire breaks out, we should keep calm and dial 119 as soon as possible and remember to tell the exact site where the fire broke out. Cut off the electricity and don’t open any windows because the oxygen comes in will make the fire bigger. If possible, try to find the extinguisher to put out the fire. Don’t take elevators and stick to the stairs if you are trying to escape. Also, we should cover our mouths and noses with a wet cloth to protect ourselves from the smoke. I hope these tips can give you a great help in your daily life.   翻译:“如何在火灾中保护自己”。火灾发生时 我们应保持冷静 并尽快拨打119!并记得告诉确切地点火灾发生 切断电源,不要打开任何窗户 因为氧气进来会使火更大!如果可能的话,试着找灭火器把火扑灭.,如果你想逃跑,不要乘电梯!坚持走楼梯.?此外!我们应该用湿布覆盖我们7751的嘴和鼻子?以保护自己4371免受烟雾,希望这些小贴士能给你的生活带来很大的帮助!,

  • 五行的英语作文

      The Wu Xing,also known as the Five Phases,the Five Agents,the Five Movements,and the Five Steps/Stages,are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,in many traditional Chinese fields.   It is sometimes translated as Five Elements,but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,hence the preferred translation of "movements","phases" or "steps" over "elements".By the same token,Mu is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".   The five elements are:   Wood (Chinese:木,pinyin:mù)   Fire (Chinese:火,pinyin:huǒ)   Earth (Chinese:土,pinyin:tǔ)   Metal (Chinese:金,pinyin:jīn)   Water (Chinese:水,pinyin:shuǐ)   The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena.It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought,including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui,astrology,traditional Chinese medicine,music,military strategy and martial arts.!

  • 性格决定成败英语作文120

      The winner, the loser curtis." This is a unified argument from ancient to modern times. So, what determines the failure and success?   In the past, after the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang two points in the world. At that time, Liu Bang's military power is far less than Xiang Yu, then why is the outcome of a Pan Chen Liu Han Emperor, and Xiang Yu Chu king ended up the tragic fate of Wujiang River to commit suicide?   I think the situation is from the banquet began to reverse. If Xiang Yu at the banquet is not woman's soft nature, took the opportunity to kill Liu Bang, will not change the outcome? If he took the opportunity, will make a big?   In addition, Xiang Yu in the under siege, the soldiers no one survived.   中文意思:“胜者为王,败者这寇!”这是古往今来8479的统一论调,那么,是什么决定了失败与成功,   想当年!秦朝灭亡之后?项羽和刘邦二分天下。当时 刘邦的军事实力远远不如项羽。那为何结局是刘邦成了汉高祖,而楚霸王8397项羽却落得个乌江自刎的悲惨下场。   我认为9255局面是从鸿门宴开始扭转的、如果项羽在鸿门宴上没有妇人之仁,趁机杀了刘邦,结局会不会有所改变、如果他抓住了这一绝佳机会 会从此成就一番霸业吗?   再者说,项羽在5083垓下被围!将士无一人生还?,

  • 命运就是如此 翻译成英语

      命运就是如此   3952翻译l:Fate is so?

  • 关于中国人如何给孩子起名的英语作文

      人在教室 心在外   读书不如谈恋爱   补充:   张庾玄带着蔡依林在周星池喝水,   6112突然刮起了谢霆风   从水中出了一条吴奇龙,    吴奇龙手持郑伊剑。   骑着黄家驹。   抢走了蔡依林?   张庾玄手持周华剑 !   踏着温兆轮。翻过了赵本山?   穿过了关芝林   跃过了潘长江?   抢回了蔡依林、   回到了郭富城,   还在城中挂起了任贤旗!   补充:!