
  • 关于梦想英语作文 带翻译

      我的梦想很渺小,也很可笑!但是我还是常常幻想……   残阳如血!大团大团的红艳艳的彩云把天空涂抹得如凡·高的现代画!余下的几滴浅艳3590的粉红透过缝隙洒在行人身上!一切都匆匆消失了!只有一种舒适在5679荡漾……难得一个周末 明天不用上学。今天可以出6026去散步!   我常常在想,如果清晨是一种开始,一种年轻,一种幼稚。那黄昏呢,是一种衰老 还是一种成熟,我不知道,也不想知道?我只想沉浸在一种难得的漫无目的的行走中……   一路走来,全是成年人在散步!我不知道在黄昏中散步是不是成年人独有的习惯!我散步是不是少年老成,是不是浪费光阴!或许 你0193会说我胸无大志?但是你可知道!一个文学家可能就在黄昏中诞生?或许。你会说我的想法太狂妄?但是?一个充实而富有意义的生活才是想法背后的向往 梦想的双眼才是有活力的?才是美丽的。   我真的喜欢在黄昏中漫步 让一切烦恼远离我,让苍白无力的生活多一些红色的梦?好4192美丽的黄昏、好舒适的我……   My dream is very small, very funny, but I still used to fantasy ... ...   The dying sun blood-red. Great balls of red clouds in the sky as Van Gogh's modern paintings. The remaining few drops of shallow bright pink through the aperture sprinkled on the pedestrians. Everything was gone, only a kind of comfort in the waves ... ... A rare one weekend, don't have school tomorrow, today can go out for a walk.   I often think, if the morning is a beginning, a young, a naive, the sunset? Is a kind of aging, or a mature? I don't know, I don't want to know. I only want to be immersed in a kind of rare walking aimlessly ... ...   Along the way, the adults in a walk. I don't know in the evening walk adults unique habits is it right?. Is it right? I walk an old head on young shoulders? Is it right? A waste of time? Maybe, you will say that I am with no ambition at all. But you know, a literary family may in the dusk of birth. Maybe, you will say I am too arrogant. However, a full and meaningful life is the idea behind the yearning. Dream eyes is dynamic, it is beautiful.   I really like walking in the evening, let all the trouble away, let the feeble life more red dream. Beautiful sunset, good comfort me ... ...!

  • 天蝎座用英语怎么翻译?


  • 我的梦想英语作文带翻译

      My Dream   Everyone has their own dreams Someone wants to be a teacher !Someone wants to be a singer 。Let me tell you something about my dream!   Well, I want to be a doctor when I grow up ,First!I think doctor is a intersting job and I am interested in it ,And doctor can help people who are illness . I want to help them and make them feel happy . So I must work harder .   What's your dream ? Can you tell me   每个人都有自己的梦想。有的人想做一名老师、有的人想做一名歌手,让我告诉你一些关于我的梦想的事,   是这样的!当我长大后我想做一名医生?首先。我认为医生是个有趣的工作并且我对他感兴趣, 医生能帮助生病的人 我想帮助他们并且使他们快乐!所以我必须更加努力的学习?   你的梦想是什么!你能告诉我吗   望采纳~三克油~么么哒,

  • 他说他严重缺水了用英语怎么翻译的?

      他说他严重缺水了?   He said he got serious hydropenia.   He declared that his serious hydropenia attacked.   hydropenia,专业术语!缺水症     供参,

  • 我喜欢下雪的天气因为我们可以打雪球英语怎样翻译

      我喜欢下雪的天气因为我们可以打雪球   英语翻译:   I like the snowy weather because we can make a snow globe.!

  • 中西方节日的禁忌 英语作文加翻译

      在西方,假如13号正逢星期五!被称为“黑色星期五”。   有很多的西方人忌讳“13”,原因是,按照迷信的说法?只要8555到每月的13日这一天!12个巫婆(witch)都要举行狂欢夜会?第13个魔鬼撒旦就会在夜会高潮时出现?给人们带来灾难!因此,西方人不仅忌讳“13”日,也忌讳有“13”数字?典型的例子就是:西方许多楼房都没有第13层,   很多西方人也忌讳“星期五” 圣经说?上帝创造了第一个男人--亚当后,从他身上取下一根肋骨又造了一个女人-夏娃。据说!亚当是在星期五被造出来的,他和夏娃吃禁果也在星期五 他2498俩死的日子也是星期五?亚当和夏娃的儿子该隐也是在“黑色星期五”了他的弟弟亚伯   传说,犹太教(Judaism)以星期五日落到星期六日落为休息日?称为安息日(Sabbath)!   英国从前常常在星期五处死罪犯。因此星期五有时也叫“绞刑日”?   正因7056为有上述传说 西方人就很是忌讳“13”,同时也忌讳“星期五” 要是“13日”这一天正好赶上“星期五”、则被认为更不吉利?称之为“黑色星期五”!   现在“黑色星期五”0432的含义好象不仅仅指13日与星期五重合的日子?很多人把“最倒霉的日子”称之为“黑色星期五” 不管这一天是不是13日,也不管这一天是不是6429星期五、   西方忌讳7914:13号之黑色星期五   分析家认为!问题不在这两个日子有什么魔法、而是忌讳这两个数字的人心理在作怪?以为“13日”再加上“星期五”就是是最“险恶”的日子。   不仅普通人 名人也惧怕“13日”和“星期五”?每当这时 歌德总是睡大觉!拿破仑绝不用兵,俾斯麦不签署任何条约、即使是不触动任何人根本利益的文件他也不愿签字!美国前总统胡佛·罗斯福也很迷信。有人还记得。每月“13日”罗斯福都不出行。尽管并非每个13日都赶上“星期五”,   其实 并非所有“13”都是不祥之兆!有的欧洲人就很喜欢13:以色列曾被分成13部分!救世主恰恰就是13日降临的,欧洲神秘的占5951卜术中有许多13、比如说!有13眼天泉,13座天门 信奉上帝的人希望得到13种神药。而在古埃及,在玛雅人(印第安民族群)的心目中,13象征着上帝的青睐、有人认为13不仅不晦气!而且会给人带来运气?第一位飞越大西洋的驾驶员林德伯格前12次都以失败告终,却在第13次飞越时获得成功……   长期以来 人们为克服迷信(superstition)!崇尚科,我属龙英语怎么翻译

  • 防火、防爆、防静电、防雷击、防盗、防倒塌、防洪、防涝等专用英语怎么翻译?

      Fire-proof, explosion-proof, anti-static, anti lightning, anti-theft, anti collapse, flood control, preventing waterlogging

  • 英语大神帮我翻译这个香水瓶全部字

      法国幽蒂薇 ULRIC DE VARENS 公司出品的“女士香水”?   幽蒂薇2004年进入中国!在上海有办事处 ?

  • 英语作文璀璨星空带翻译

      Bright Star   I love the endless sea, I love the rain softly, I love flying snow, I love bringing a bright full moon, but I love the starry night sky.   Star is fascinating. Beautiful summer night, I was alone courtyards, looked up this quiet sky. Cool breeze caresses my face, so happy!   Sky is bright. Countless stars shining lights like light, set in the deep blue sky. As the cradle of the sky, the stars like a baby, most of them obediently fell asleep. A few small stars naughty little eyes blinked, as if quietly told me: "!. Dark, quickly go to sleep but also to class tomorrow it" And a few small stars around the moon sitting in her mother , probably in attentively listen to her exciting story! Occasionally, a meteor across the sky, it is a long thin tail dragging across the vast galaxy, hastily disappeared in the vast darkness. At this time, you feel like being in a colorful fairy tale world.   Star is evocative. I looked at the sky trance confusing, can not help but imagination: Adorable Little Dipper, you really brought to mankind fire it? The other end of the legendary Taurus honest honest, you head down in the fresh grass grazing? Or in pensive? Lovestruck Cowherd, if you turn on the Magpie Bridge out? The light emitted by these stars, although there is no sun so bright, nor the moon so quiet, but they still shine with the glory of life and dedication to the pedestrians to illuminate the way forward!   译文:   璀璨的星空   我爱浩瀚无边的大海,我爱润物无声的春雨,我爱漫天飞舞的雪花,我爱皎洁明亮的圆月,但我更爱群星璀璨的夜空? 2312  星空是迷人的!美丽的夏夜,我独自坐在院子里!抬头仰望这静谧的星空。阵阵凉风抚过我的脸庞 好惬意、   星空是璀璨的,无数颗星星闪烁着灯火般的光,镶嵌在深蓝色的天幕中 天空如同摇篮!星星恰似宝宝?它们大多乖乖地睡着了!几颗小星星眨着调皮的小眼睛!像是在悄悄地告诉我:“天黑了!快快去睡吧 明天还要上课呢?”还有几颗小星星围坐在月亮婆婆的周围!大概是在聚精会神地听她讲扣人心弦的故事吧?偶尔!从空中划过一颗流星!它拖着细细长长的尾巴、穿过浩瀚的星河?匆匆消逝在茫茫的夜色中。这时?你仿佛置身于一个五彩斑斓的童话世界。   星空是令人遐想的?我望着扑朔迷离的星空出神?不禁浮想联翩:可爱的小熊星座!真的是你给人类带来了火种吗、传说中那头淳朴憨厚的金牛,你低着头是在啃食鲜嫩的青草 还是在若有所思?痴情的牛郎织女?你们是5245否又在鹊桥上相会了呢 这些星星发出的光虽没有阳光那么灿烂?也没有月光那么清幽、但它们却依然绽放着生命的光彩、竭尽所能为过往的行人照亮前进的方向!?

  • 他们发现自己被丛林大火困住了用英语怎么翻译

      They found themselves being caught in the big fire of forest.   They found themselves being sunken into the big fire of forest.!